Check out a sampling of multimedia resources from the NOAA Marine Debris Program. Here you’ll find photos, videos, mobile apps, infographics, marine debris artwork, Story Maps, and audio files such as songs. Download the ones you like best!

All resources that are credited to NOAA are in the public domain and are free to use; however, we would appreciate you listing us as your source. For use of resources credited to other organizations, permission should be obtained from that organization.


Watch videos for information on marine debris and NOAA's work to address it.


Check out our photo gallery for images of marine debris types, impacts, solutions, and events across the country.
Marine debris floating on the surface of the water.


Our poster collection is available to help spread awareness of marine debris and highlight some of the most important issues we’re trying to address through prevention, removal, and research. All posters are available in PDF format to download and print.
An infographic displaying the types and sources of plastic found in the ocean.


Check out some of the NOAA Marine Debris Program's infographics! These are useful tools for visualizing information related to marine debris.
Artwork of a seal caught in marine debris.


Check out some of the creative marine debris artwork used to spread awareness of marine debris.

For citation purposes, unless otherwise noted, this article was authored by the NOAA Marine Debris Program.

Last updated