Take a dive into the NOAA Marine Debris Program’s suite of free resources to help you learn about and take action on marine debris. Find news and applicant resources for our marine debris grant competition, as well as state-by-state contact information and policies for addressing abandoned and derelict vessels. Discover curricula, activities, and fast facts on marine debris to help raise awareness of the problem and support the needs for learners of all ages. Prepare for disasters with marine debris emergency response guides, connect with your marine debris community through action plans, and  check out reports on a wide range of topics.

The NOAA Marine Debris Program offers several nationwide, competitive funding opportunities for marine debris projects. Check out open competitions and access resources to help applicants prepare a strong proposal.
Abandoned and derelict vessels litter ports, waterways and estuaries, creating a threat to navigation, recreation, and the environment. This InfoHub was created as a central source of information on ADVs and the policies surrounding them.
Tropical Islands Partnering on Solutions for Marine Debris logo.
Tropical Islands Partnering on Solutions for Marine Debris (TIPS) is a bimonthly online webinar series hosted by the NOAA Marine Debris Program. The goal of the TIPS series is to help tropical island communities connect and share perspectives from across the tropics on common marine debris issues and proposed solutions.
Download and print fast information on marine debris, storm preparedness, and other hot topics.
Access disciplinary lesson plans, units, and full curricula designed to support your needs and learning for students of all ages. All curricula and lesson plans are free and available for download and print.
Download an assortment of puzzles, brain-teasers, coloring activities, and formal curricula for Grades 1-12. All activities are available for download and print.
Prepare for and respond to disasters with emergency response guides that improve preparedness and facilitate a coordinated, well-managed, and immediate response to acute waterway debris incidents.
Voluntary, collaborative efforts that provide a road map for stakeholders across a state or region to address the problem of marine debris.
The NOAA Marine Debris Program has a suite of reports for download, including technical memos, topic papers, and workshop summaries.
These documents serve as a library of MDMAP survey protocols, field datasheets, and quick reference guides for completing shoreline site surveys.

The NOAA Marine Debris Program monthly e-newsletters are filled with news, announcements, and goings-on for the program and marine debris community.

The NOAA Marine Debris Education Newsletter highlights marine debris lessons and educational resources and features upcoming events, art contests, and fun crafts.

For citation purposes, unless otherwise noted, this article was authored by the NOAA Marine Debris Program.

Last updated