A pile of old rope and fishing gear on a shore.

Marine Debris in the Northeast

This region includes Connecticut, Rhode Island, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Maine

With an urbanized coastline and diverse coastal habitats that support both valuable fisheries and protected species, marine debris has extensive impacts on the economy and the environment in the Northeast. Lost, abandoned, or discarded fishing gear can unintentionally trap fish, lobsters, and other wildlife, which threatens the survival of protected and endangered species. In addition, trash from urban areas is often carried to the ocean, littering beaches and sensitive marine ecosystems. The NOAA Marine Debris Program, in partnership with local agencies, non-governmental organizations, and coastal and fishing communities, aims to prevent and reduce marine debris in the Northeast through education, research, and removal projects, as well as response to large debris events.

Regional Coordinator

A pile of derelict fishing nets.

Additional Resources

Abandoned and Derelict Vessels

Information for states and territories in the Northeast region:

For citation purposes, unless otherwise noted, this article was authored by the NOAA Marine Debris Program.

Last updated