A crew of nine on two small inflatable boats haul a mass of derelict nets out of the water.


The Marine Debris Program offers funding that supports locally driven, community-based marine debris removal projects. These projects benefit coastal habitat, waterways, and wildlife including migratory fish.

Active Removal Projects

People haul a derelict fishing net into a boat.

Since 2006, the NOAA Marine Debris Program has supported efforts to remove marine debris from the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument.

Plastic bottles and other plastic trash items mixed with leaf litter collect behind the black piping of an interception device in a shallow, muddy waterway.
Savannah Riverkeeper is addressing waterborne litter that affects Georgia’s Ogeechee and Savannah River watersheds using proven trash interception devices, comprehensive data collection, and community engagement.
Plastic water bottles and chip bags mixed with leaf litter sit on top of the grate of a storm drain.
Florida State University is reducing marine debris entering the St. Andrew Bay Watershed by deploying catch basin interception devices in storm drains and facilitating community outreach about stormwater pollution and prevention.
A white mattress lies on the ground in an empty lot with overgrown grasses and weeds.
The City of Benton Harbor is engaging and supporting the local community to remove illegally-dumped large debris from Ox Creek and its adjacent floodplains in the Lake Michigan watershed.
A plastic bag and other trash items mixed with leaf litter accumulate on top of an urban storm drain on a rainy day.
The Rochester Institute of Technology is installing, maintaining, and collecting debris from interception devices within storm drain catch basins in debris hotspots throughout Rochester, New York and developing a guide for use in other cities.
A pile of colorful fishing rope, buoys, and fishing traps are abandoned and sprawled across a coastline with a rocky outcropping in the background.
Ocean Conservancy is administering a national competitive grant program for the removal of large marine debris, working with California fishers on solutions to ghost gear challenges, creating tools to better prevent derelict fishing gear, and removing marine debris in southwest Alaska and the Lower Florida Keys.
A helicopter carrying debris hovers over a flat barge sitting on the ocean that is piled with bags of debris.
Gulf of Alaska Keeper is leading professional and volunteer crews to remove large marine debris from the remote and rugged coastline of Montague Island in the northern Gulf of Alaska.
A patch of twigs and leaves mixed with water bottles and other plastic debris are snagged in large branches and floating in a bayou on a sunny day.
Galveston Bay Foundation is installing litter boom devices in three bayous that feed into Galveston Bay near Houston, Texas to combat urban trash in the watershed.
A pile of broken fishing traps sit in the grass in front of a wall and fence with harbor docks in the background.
The Ocean Foundation and Conservación ConCiencia are working with local fishing communities to remove derelict fishing gear from the waters around Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands and develop a fishing trap turn-in program.
Three people huddle together and talk while facing a boat getting demolished in a gravel parking lot.
The Washington State Department of Natural Resources is removing multiple abandoned and derelict vessels from tribal tidelands of the Squaxin Island Tribe, as well as hosting vessel turn-in events throughout the state.
A crane sticks out of the water next to a pier on a sunny day as seen from a rocky, muddy urban shore.
The Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management is removing a derelict, sunken crane-topped barge from the Port of Providence, an active working waterfront within the Providence River in Rhode Island.
Metal debris stuck in the sediment of a muddy creek surrounded by fallen branches and leaves.
The Metropolitan Washington Council of Governments and their partners are removing large debris and up to 33 abandoned and derelict vessels from the tidal Anacostia River in Washington D.C. and Maryland.
An aerial view of a waterway through an urban area at sunset.
The City of Oakland will work with community partners to remove abandoned and derelict vessels and promote prevention efforts in the Oakland Estuary.
A dilapidated vessel on its side in shallow water near a rocky shoreline.
The American Samoa Department of Port Administration is removing abandoned and derelict vessels from various locations on the island of Tutuila, American Samoa.
A large pile of dozens of damaged tires covered in tiny green algae sit underwater in a dark blue ocean.
Pinellas County Government will remove and dispose of over 20,000 tires that were submerged as artificial reefs in the 1960s-1980s near Tampa Bay, Florida.
A colorful pile of derelict fishing gear.

The Center for Coastal Studies is leading a new coalition of nongovernmental organizations and commercial enterprises across the Northeast to remove, collect, document, and recycle, repurpose, or properly dispose of fishing gear from the Gulf of Maine’s water and shorelines.

A pile or derelict crab traps next to a shed.

Stockton University will expand its industry-led derelict fishing gear removal efforts while also removing around two dozen abandoned and derelict vessels in an effort to enhance New Jersey’s coastal bays.

Three derelict vessels washed ashore.

North Carolina Coastal Federation is removing storm-related debris, lost fishing gear, and vessels throughout coastal North Carolina and is working to prevent marine debris from future storms.

An abandoned derelict vessel on the coastline.

Isla Mar Research Expeditions and partners are removing abandoned and derelict vessels and  establishing a coordination strategy for abandoned and derelict vessel prevention, management, and response across Puerto Rico.

A derelict vessel in an inlet.

Lynnhaven River NOW and partners are working to remove and properly dispose of up to 100 abandoned and derelict vessels throughout Virginia’s coastal zone and inform the development of a Virginia abandoned and derelict vessel prevention and removal program.

Plastic debris that is collected in a canal.

The University of Florida’s Operation TRAP is strategically capturing debris before it enters Aquatic Preserves in the Big Bend and Nature Coast area of Florida and developing a toolkit for other municipalities to adopt similar strategies.

Derelict fishing gear and other marine debris in a grassy area next to a beach.

The University of Alaska Fairbanks is working with partners to establish a Center for Marine Debris in Kodiak, Alaska, to support targeted marine debris removal projects and ongoing collection, monitoring, transport, recycling, and recovery. 

A large trash boom goes from one side of a dry river bed to the other with lots of trash stuck on one side.

The California Department of Parks and Recreation and project partners will install innovative debris interception technology at the Goat Canyon Sediment Basins to better capture marine debris entering Tijuana River National Estuarine Research Reserve from Mexico.

Three derelict vessels partially submerged close to a beach.

Pacific Coastal Research & Planning is removing and assessing abandoned and derelict vessels and large marine debris in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands and Freely Associated States in the Pacific Islands.

A large vessel sits with its side resting partially underwater with a crane and platform next to it.

BoatUS Foundation is leading a national competitive grant program for the removal of abandoned and derelict vessels, developing a database to track abandoned and derelict vessels across the country, and is supporting outreach and education on the issue.

A group of people hike towards the ocean.

The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation is leading a multi-site project to remove large marine debris and foster partnerships within the National Marine Sanctuary System that will benefit coastal and marine habitats and communities throughout the nation.

An Abandoned and Derelict Vessel in a Waterway.

The Gulf of Mexico Alliance is working across all five Gulf states to lead a regional competitive grant program for large marine debris removal, remove abandoned and derelict vessels, and  assess habitat impacts and recovery.

A person stands on a small vessel that is loaded up with derelict fishing traps.

The William and Mary's Batten School and the Virginia Institute of Marine Science is leading a national competitive grant program for the removal of derelict fishing traps, creating a national database for data collection, and assessing potential solutions to the environmental and economic impacts of lost gear.

Three people stand on a small boat and are seen pulling a large mass of nets out of the water onto the vessel.

In partnership with NOAA and the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation, the Papahānaumokuākea Marine Debris Project is conducting yearly missions to the Papahānaumokuākea Marine National Monument to remove large-scale marine debris, primarily derelict fishing gear, from the remote islands.

The dorsal fin of a vaquita coming out of the water as the animal surfaces.

CAT Action Treasury, Inc. and project partners are helping to remove illegal fishing gear in the Upper Gulf of California, Mexico, and building awareness in local communities to better protect the endangered vaquita porpoise.

A deckhand handles one of many derelict crab pots on the deck of a vessel in the Puget Sound.

The Innerspace Exploration Team is engaging the local community of Port Townsend, Washington, in identification and removal of derelict crab pots from Discovery and Sequim Bays.

Small fragments of plastic in two outstretched hands.

The Ocean Plastics Recovery team is working with local and regional groups to remove debris from remote shorelines in Southeast Alaska, integrating and evaluating emerging recycling technologies for sustainable disposal.

Marine debris accumulation in a mangrove forest in the U.S. Virgin Islands (Photo: Kristin Wilson Grimes, University of the Virgin Islands).

The U.S. Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources, in collaboration with the University of the Virgin Islands, is conducting community cleanups and collecting marine debris composition data in cays and mangrove forests in St. Thomas, St. John, and St. Croix.

Derelict traps removed from Mississippi coastal waters (Photo: Mississippi Commercial Fisheries United).

To reduce the amount of marine debris in the Gulf of America, Mississippi Commercial Fisheries United will work with commercial fishers to incentivize the proper disposal of marine debris encountered during fishing operations and assess the distribution of that debris.

A heavy derelict net on a coral reef.
Hawai‘i Pacific University’s Center for Marine Debris Research is providing cash rewards to commercial fishers to remove over 100 metric tons of derelict fishing gear from the central North Pacific and coastal waters of Hawai‘i.
A group of people cleanup a creek.
The Instituto Tecnológico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey is working with stakeholders across Monterrey, Mexico to design, implement, and operate a recycling program that will improve waste collection and prevent plastic waste dumping and littering.
A derelict trap being pulled up out of the water.

The South Carolina Department of Natural Resources will map and remove derelict crab traps found in South Carolina coastal estuaries, and use the collected traps to build oyster reef habitats to reduce erosion and habitat loss.

Broken white Styrofoam packing, refrigeration insulation, and other debris o0n a beach.
The Grassroots Garbage Gang is working with local volunteers to keep seven miles of Washington state coastline clean and free of debris.
A person on a beach carrying a bag full of debris and a small mass of derelict fishing nets.
The Parley Foundation is working with coastal communities in the Gulf of America and the Mexican Caribbean to collect and recycle fishing gear, remove debris from marine protected areas, and promote education.
A dilapidated house surrounded by vegetation sinks into a river.
The Mississippi State University Coastal Research and Extension Center and partners are removing derelict vessels and other large marine debris from the lower Pascagoula River and monitoring for ecosystem recovery.
A person next to a large pile of collected marine debris on a rocky shoreline.
The Alaska Department of Fish and Game is leading groups of trained and experienced volunteers and staff to remove marine debris from unique and rugged shorelines of the Forrester Island complex within the Alaska Maritime Wildlife Refuge.
A damaged skiff partially buried in the sand.
Working with the local community, the City and Borough of Yakutat, Alaska, is removing marine debris from 50 miles of shoreline, and partnering with tribal, federal, and local organizations to conduct initial assessments followed by cleanup and outreach.
A person with gloves at a table covered in collected marine debris.
Through the Salish Synergy project, the National Marine Sanctuary Foundation and partners are detecting and removing medium- to large-scale marine debris, including derelict fishing gear, along Washington's outer coast and the Strait of Juan de Fuca.
A SCUBA diver jumps off of the side of a boat into the water.
The Northwest Straits Foundation, through a collaborative research partnership with Natural Resources Consultants, will conduct a two-year derelict crab pot removal and prevention project in the marine waters of Skagit County, Washington.
Derelict vessels on a mangrove forest shoreline.
Scuba Dogs Society will remove marine debris from three coastal village communities that were impacted by Hurricanes Irma and Maria and develop a Marine Debris Community Action and Response Plan.
Used fishing gear collected in large outdoor piles.
The Ocean Conservancy’s Global Ghost Gear Initiative is coordinating with partners in California and in Mexico to better manage and prevent the loss of fishing gear and launch the North American Net Collection Initiative.
People pulling a boat ashore that is filled with marine debris collected along a lake shoreline.
The Superior Watershed Partnership is mobilizing its partners to implement on-the-ground clean-up events and educational outreach throughout communities in Michigan’s Upper Peninsula to reduce marine debris in the nearshore waters of Lake Superior’s coastal and tribal communities.
A beach shoreline covered in marine debris.
Hawai‘i Wildlife Fund and its partners will remove derelict fishing gear and other large marine debris from remote coastlines on the islands of Kaua‘i, Maui, and Hawai‘i Island.
A volunteer removing corrugated roofing tin from an ocean shore.
Mariana Islands Nature Alliance will assess, remove, and dispose of marine debris from Typhoon Yutu in areas of concern, such as the Tinian Harbor, and coastal areas, shallow waters, and reef lines that surround the islands of Tinian and Saipan.
Man standing at the front of his boat with a pile of derelict crab traps piled at the rear.

To help address the problems associated with abandoned crab traps, the Coastal Bend Bays & Estuaries Program is organizing volunteers to systematically and comprehensively locate and remove traps in coastal waters from Matagorda Bay to Aransas Bay, Texas during the annual crab season closure.

Three people hiking together through hills overlooking an ocean beach.
A team of researchers from California State University Channel Islands will remove and track the amounts and types of shoreline debris at seven remote beaches on the Northern Channel Islands offshore of southern California.
A large mass of derelict fishing gear getting hauled onto a vessel.
Ocean Conservancy’s Global Ghost Gear Initiative® will remove derelict fishing gear from Maine state waters in partnership with local fishers.
An overhead view of marine debris along a coastline.
The Aleut Community of St. Paul Island will use aerial surveys to clean up marine debris along the shorelines. This project will build off of previous work in the Pribilof Islands by conducting cleanups on St. Paul Island, St. George Island, and Otter Island.
Three people walk along a shoreline that is covered with brown grass. They are collecting debris that floats on the water. Several large buildings can be seen in the background.
The New York City Department of Parks and Recreation will remove medium to large debris items at two critical sites in Jamaica Bay, Queens, New York: Seagirt Avenue Wetlands and Idlewild Park Preserve.
A tangle of green netting is lifted from the water with the support of a machine.
The project will survey for and remove derelict fishing gear from Similk Bay, and collaborate with Tribal stakeholders to prevent future loss of fishing gear and other marine debris.

Completed Removal Projects - Archives


A pile of recovered lobster traps on the back of a docked vessel.

The Center for Coastal Studies will identify, remove, and properly dispose of derelict fishing gear from sensitive areas along shorelines, breakwaters, shellfish flats, and in Cape Cod Bay.

A sunset over a California bay. Richardson’s Bay Regional Agency, in partnership with Coastal Policy Solutions removed 220 tons of large-scale debris including 11 abandoned and derelict vessels from Richardson Bay, which contains protected eelgrass and waterbird migratory habitats, and prevented additional vessels from becoming derelict or abandoned in the San Francisco Bay.


A crew of people holding filled garbage bags standing at the shoreline and watching an incoming small boat.

The Ocean Plastics Recovery Project and partners will remove and analyze debris from the Katmai National Park, as well as evaluate the best methods for recycling and sustainable disposal.

An abandoned and derelict vessel partially submerged and stuck in a marsh.

The North Carolina Coastal Federation will remove abandoned and derelict vessels, derelict fishing gear, and other marine debris from the Albemarle-Pamlico estuary and Outer Banks of North Carolina.

A Hawaii Marine Animal Response staff member speaking to a child and adult sitting on timber overlooking the ocean. Hawai‘i Marine Animal Response carried out a project to reduce the negative impacts of marine debris on protected marine species and coastal habitats of O‘ahu through the detection and removal of derelict recreational fishing gear.
A derelict vessel tied to a dock.

The Oregon State Marine Board, through its Certified Clean Marina Program, is working to increase the number of abandoned and derelict vessels they can remove over the course of a year.

A person on a boat looking at a tablet screen that shows the location of crab pots.

The University of Delaware is leading the removal of 1000 derelict crab pots from up to four heavily used recreational fishing areas in Delaware’s Indian River Bay.

A fishing vessel loaded with derelict fishing gear.

The Ocean Foundation and Conservación ConCiencia are removing harmful derelict fishing gear from the waters around Puerto Rico while building capacity within the U.S. Virgin Islands to address marine debris in the region.

A diver collecting underwater marine debris.

The National Marine Sanctuary Foundation is collaborating with local dive operators to remove harmful marine debris from the Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary, while engaging the local community to prevent future debris.


A derelict vessel on its side and partially submerged in the water.

The North Carolina Coastal Federation will remove over 40 abandoned and derelict vessels resulting from Hurricane Florence from the Central and Southeast regions of the North Carolina Coast.

Marine debris piled high along a shore.

University of Florida and Florida’s Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission will remove debris from vessels and structures generated by Hurricane Michael in St. Andrew, St. Joseph, and Apalachicola Bays.

A derelict vessel grounded on the shore.

The City of Mexico Beach is completing an assessment of debris remaining on the shoreline and nearshore waters from Hurricane Michael and developing a plan for removal and disposal.

Child looking at hurricane debris on the beach.

Dog Island Conservation District will remove debris from Hurricane Michael and restore two miles of impacted coastal habitat on Dog Island, Florida.

15 people stand together for a picture holding up a small sign that says "Fishing for Energy". The Florida Department of Environmental Protection is planning to remove an estimated 2,000 lbs of marine debris from artificial reefs within the Charlotte Harbor Aquatic Preserves.
A person paddling a kayak smiles for a picture. A laundry basket lined with a black garbage bag has been attached to the front of the kayak.

Buffalo Niagara Waterkeeper will lead volunteer marine debris removal efforts that consist of surface debris removal in the Niagara River/Lake Erie watershed, install Reel In and Recycle monofilament bins at popular fishing sites, and host multilingual pollution prevention workshops for the City of Buffalo’s refugee fishing community.

A coastal view of Alaska where the tide is out and exposes a muddy beach. On the beach rests drift wood and plastic debris.

Island Trails Network will expand the range of an already funded cleanup operation targeting “entangling” debris. This project will build off of previous cleanup efforts in the Kodiak Archipelago to remove debris from a wide range of shoreline through three primary effort areas.

A SCUBA diver swims over a very large pile of 2,482 tires all resting on the seafloor. The Guam Environmental Protection Agency alongside many partners, will work to remove an artificial reef that consists of 2,482 tires located in Cocos Lagoon, Guam.
Volunteers stand together in a large group and smile for a picture.

This project will remove hurricane-deposited marine debris from vulnerable mangrove shorelines, through a series of cleanups called “Great Mangrove Cleanups”, in marine protected areas and NOAA Coral Reef Program Priority Areas on St. Thomas, St. John, and St. Croix in the U.S. Virgin Islands.

A large, messy pile of lumber being collected with heavy machinery.

The North Carolina Coastal Federation and project partners will remove over 70,000 pounds (about 35 tons) of marine debris left in the wake of Hurricane Florence.

Seven people organize piles of wire crab traps on a pier in Louisiana. The Pontchartrain Conservancy, partnering with other local agencies and volunteers, will remove thousands of derelict crab traps from the Lake Pontchartrain Basin. They will also provide data to analyze the economic impact of derelict crab traps on the Louisiana blue crab fishery.
A view from high up looking over Richardson Bay in California during a sunrise. Richardson’s Bay Regional Agency removed approximately 364 metric tons of abandoned and derelict vessels from Richardson Bay, located within the San Francisco Bay area.
A man dressed in all orange stands in a boat holding a pile of yellow rope. Island Trails Network is working to reduce the entanglement and mortality of whales, Steller sea lions, and other marine mammals and increase awareness of the impact of entangling debris.
Two men stand on a beach next to a pile of collected crab traps. The Ocean Foundation is collaborating with fishing groups, the Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources, and local non-governmental organizations to address undocumented and derelict fishing traps in Puerto Rico. 
A derelict vessel in the background while several people swim in a beautiful lagoon. Pacific Coastal Research & Planning coordinated the removal of a derelict fishing vessel from the lagoonal reef on the island of Saipan in the Commonwealth of the Northern Mariana Islands.


Man with crab pots.

Stockton University is continuing fisher-led derelict crab pot removal from southern New Jersey coastal bays and bridging the generational gap through peer-to-peer mentoring of local crabbers.

Derelict vessels on shore.

The Town of Beaufort, NC, in partnership with the North Carolina National Estuarine Research Reserve, is improving habitats through the removal of illegal and abandoned moorings, derelict vessels, derelict fishing gear, and other medium and large debris items.

Trash boom in the Tijuana River. The Southwest Wetlands Interpretive Association expanded on previous efforts to address trash and marine debris in the Tijuana River Valley by improving trash capture and removal, and implementing novel outreach and prevention programs in Mexico.
Derelict vessel stuck in marsh. The Weeks Bay Foundation and Weeks Bay National Estuarine Research Reserve worked to remove several abandoned boats and large marine debris from Weeks Bay and its tributaries.
Logs and debris blocking a river. This project will combine efforts to remove man-made debris from the Pearl River to restore hydrologic functions to the river, provide fish passage to the endangered Gulf Sturgeon and other anadromous species, and restore freshwater flow downstream.
Pile of derelict fishing gear on a beach. Over a course of three years, Hawai‘i Wildlife Fund, in partnership with Surfrider Foundation’s Kaua‘i Chapter (SFK) and Pūlama Lānaʻi, will remove derelict fishing gear and medium- to large-scale marine debris items from along impacted coastlines of Hawai‘i, Kaua‘i, Maui, and Lānaʻi.
Man pulling derelict trap into a boat. Ocean Aid 360 and Coastal Conservation Association Florida conducted awareness campaigns and marine debris removal competitions in Florida’s Tampa Bay estuary.
Derelict crab pots. The Northwest Straits Foundation and its partners are conducting a three-year derelict crab pot survey and removal project supplemented with a targeted outreach campaign to recreational crabbers in the Washington marine waters of the Salish Sea.
Man pulling up derelict gear. This project removes derelict crab pots and lines from Tribal fishing grounds, develops a Tribal fisheries derelict crab pot reporting and recovery program, and conducts outreach to Tribal fishers and the community.
Volunteers posing with trash. This project is removing at least 30,000 pounds of marine debris from the Maumee River and other tributaries in the greater Toledo area. Partners for Clean Streams is working with partners to detect, assess, and coordinate removal of marine debris to prevent impacts to important fishery habitats.
Pile of marine debris on a shore. The National Audubon Society is working on eight Maine islands to remove marine debris and study the accumulation of debris on the islands. In partnership with the Gulf of Maine Lobster Foundation, they will also aim to reduce the rate of accumulation through at-sea removal of derelict fishing gear.
Boat full of marine debris. The Center for Coastal Studies, located in Provincetown, Massachusetts, mobilized volunteers to identify, document, and properly dispose of derelict fishing gear from Cape Cod Bay and the Cape Cod National Seashore.


Volunteers kayaking nearshore to clean up debris. Save Our Shores removed large debris items from difficult-to-access areas of three major watersheds that feed into Monterey Bay National Marine Sanctuary.
Infographic saying: Let’s make a Litter-Free Prince George’s County.

Prince George’s County is working to design, install, and monitor the success of two trash traps along Maryland’s Anacostia River watershed, as well as conduct local outreach.

Five volunteers stand in a boat loaded with debris. The North Carolina Coastal Federation removed derelict aquaculture fishing gear from areas adjacent to Harkers Island, NC, and worked with stakeholders to develop best management practices for disposal and prevention of aquaculture marine debris.
Project participants holding a bag of collected debris as well as collected Mardi Gras beads. The Mobile Baykeeper helped Mobile, AL, “Move Toward a Litter-Free Mardi Gras” by organizing cleanups, implementing a media campaign, and purchasing temporary litter barriers for storm drains.
Plastic debris on a rocky beach. Island Trails Network lead volunteers to remove marine debris on shorelines accessible from the road system in and around Kodiak, Alaska.
A boat hauling collected derelict/abandoned gear back to shore. The Cornell Cooperative Extension Marine Program worked to survey and remove derelict lobster traps in Central Long Island Sound.
A fisherman holding a derelict crab pot.

The Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey continued their work to find and remove derelict crab pots in New Jersey’s southern coastal bays.

A rocky lake shoreline. Cleveland Metroparks removed construction material from Euclid Beach Park, conducted small-scale marine debris removal, and installing an educational display on the detrimental effects of marine debris in Lake Erie.
Ropes and other debris scattered along a rocky shore. The Camden County Municipal Utilities Authority worked to remove marine debris as part of a significant urban living shoreline project, the first in urban tidal freshwaters in New Jersey.
The mast of a sunken vessel protrudes out of the water at the Makah Marina in Neah Bay. The Makah Indian Tribe worked to remove three sunken vessels from the Makah Marina in the Makah Tribe Indian Reservation, and conducted outreach to prevent future abandon and derelict vessels.


A person hauling collected debris on an ATV. The Sitka Sound Science Center worked with three remote communities who worked to clean up marine debris on local shorelines in the Bering Sea region of Alaska.
A view of the Sandy Beach area. The Douglas Indian Association worked to survey and remove derelict Dungeness crab pots in a known crab harvest area of Gastineau Channel near Juneau, Alaska.
A group of people moving a large wooden piling. The North Carolina National Estuarine Research Reserve worked with Duke University which used unmanned aerial systems to map and identify marine debris within the Rachel Carson Reserve, and used this data to locate and remove debris and monitor restoration of debris-damaged areas.
Lobstermen pulling a derelict trap out of the water. The Center for Coastal Studies used side scan sonar surveys to assess derelict fishing gear abundance and collaborating with commercial fishermen to remove derelict gear in Cape Cod Bay and other areas of Massachusetts Bay.
A derelict vessel partially-submerged in water. The Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources worked to assess and remove five derelict vessels and used information from additional removal events to develop prevention strategies for the area.
Volunteers remove debris and invasive species from a riparian area of the Tijuana River Valley. The Southwest Wetlands Interpretive Association worked to capture, remove, and prevent future accumulations of marine debris within the Tijuana River Valley at the border of the United States and Mexico.
Debris on Tecelote Beach, Santa Rosa Island. California State University Channel Islands removed and monitored debris on island and mainland shorelines. They also developed formal and informal marine debris curriculum and community outreach projects.
Two people hauling a derelict net onto a boat. The University of Wisconsin Sea Grant worked to implement an effective, on-the-ground derelict fishing gear removal program that improved the safety and quality of the Great Lakes.
A person holding a derelict crab pot and a pile of derelict crab pots on a boat. The New Jersey Audubon, Northstar Marine, and Stockton University worked to locate and remove over 2,000 derelict crab pots from three critical areas of coastal New Jersey and the Delaware Bay.
A person taking a derelict crab pot out of the water.

The Delaware Department of Natural Resources and Environmental Control Delaware Coastal Program is working with local commercial crabbers to locate and remove derelict crab pots from two heavily-fished areas of the Delaware Bay.

Volunteers on a beach. Hawai‘i Wildlife Fund worked with neighbor island partners to conduct community-based marine debris cleanup events and patrols along remote stretches of Hawai‘i, Kaua‘i, Maui, and Lānaʻi coastlines.
Derelict vessels partially-submerged in water. The Galveston Bay Foundation (GBF) removed marine debris from navigable waters and habitat areas of Galveston Bay, its sub-bays, and tributaries.
Volunteers picking up derelict crab pots. The Alabama Department of Conservation and Natural Resources monitored and removed derelict crab traps in Southern Alabama.
A derelict vessel in the water. The Oregon State Marine Board removed the F/V Western, a sunken vessel in Coos Bay, Oregon, performed an underwater monitoring at the removal area. The monitoring created an inventory of commercial abandoned and derelict vessels (ADV) in Oregon, and initiating an ADV Task Force.


Photos of a derelict net on a boat. The BoatU.S. Foundation removed a derelict vessel and three large commercial nets from Lake Erie and Ocean City, Maryland.
A volunteer in a kayak with a bag of debris. The Island Trails Network used kayaks to remove marine debris from 60 miles of shoreline on Shuyak Island in the western Gulf of Alaska.
A pile of derelict crab pots. The Nature Conservancy and the Quileute Indian Tribe worked to remove derelict crab pots from tribal waters off the Washington Coast and developed a sustainable reporting and annual recovery program for lost pots.
Participants pose with their haul from a beach cleanup as part of the Micronesia Island Nature Alliance’s efforts against marine debris. The Mariana Islands Nature Alliance reduced littering and illegal dumping in Saipan by providing infrastructure for proper waste management and raising awareness about littering and marine debris through education and outreach.
The F/V Drake filled with derelict crab pots collected by local fishermen, including Andy Guiliano (pictured). UC Davis expanded a fishermen-led Dungeness crab derelict gear recovery program, with the intention of making it a self-sustaining effort.
Participants remove a derelict crab pot. The North Carolina Coastal Federation expanded a fishermen-led crab pot recovery pilot project into a self-sustaining derelict crab pot retrieval program.
Volunteers with the Coastal Cleanup Corporation show marine debris collected from a barrier island within Biscayne National Park. The Coastal Cleanup Corporation and the Biscayne National Park worked to remove marine debris from sea turtle foraging habitat and nesting beaches and educating the public about marine debris.
A partially-submerged abandoned and derelict vessel. The City of Bayou La Batre worked to remove 21 abandoned and derelict vessels and other marine debris from the waters of Bayou La Batre, as well as to restore marsh habitat and lead community outreach.
Volunteers fill a container with derelict crab traps collected during a "Derelict Crab Trap Rodeo" in 2014. The Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries implemented a derelict crab trap removal program, which included large-scale removal, education and outreach, and volunteer events in the Barataria, Terrebonne, and Pontchartrain basins near New Orleans.
A crabber removes a derelict crab pot.

Stockton University and the NOAA Marine Debris Program removed derelict crab pots from coastal bays in Southern New Jersey and educated and trained crabbers on how to prevent and locate lost traps.

A project worker on a boat, tagging a derelict crab pot. The Conserve Wildlife Foundation of New Jersey, with the NOAA Marine Debris Program, identified, removed, and assessed the impacts of derelict crab pots in Barnegat Bay, NJ.
Volunteers at a removal event in Puerto Rico. (Photo Credit: Scuba Dogs Society) Scuba Dogs Society removed marine debris from a Puerto Rican shoreline and implemented an education and recycling station program to reduce marine debris at its source and promote stewardship of local marine habitats.
Clean Bays works to remove debris from 18 miles of shoreline and near shore environments in East Providence, Rhode Island. The NOAA Marine Debris Program teamed up with Clean Bays to remove industrial debris from 18 miles of shoreline and nearshore environments in East Providence, Rhode Island.


ADVs rest in Charleston Harbor Watershed.

South Carolina Sea Grant Consortium removed derelict vessels and other marine debris using community-based initiatives.

Derelict lobster traps removed from Long Island Sound.

CCE removed derelict lobster traps from Long Island Sound.

A derelict vessel is partially submerged in Coral Bay.

Coral Bay Community Council removed derelict vessels, involved locals in marine debris cleanups, and worked with local waste management and recycling groups to reduce marine debris.

Derelict vessel being crushed at a landfill yard.

LagoonKeepers.org worked to improve the quality of Palm Beach County’s estuarine, coastal, and near-shore marine ecosystems through derelict and sunken boat removal.

Volunteer clean the beach in Hawaii.

Sustainable Coastlines Hawaii and the NOAA Marine Debris Program worked together to inspire coastal stewardship through coastal cleanups.

Volunteers remove debris from Jamaica Bay. Credit: ALS

The American Littoral Society piloted a marine debris removal project in New York's Jamaica Bay

Two people handle a derelict crab pot on a boat. The Nature Conservancy and the Quinault Indian Nation removed derelict crab pots and developed a sustainable reporting and annual recovery program for lost crab pots on the Washington Coast.
Captain John Beardon, and Deckhands Carl Wakefield and Bob Banks recovered more than 300 traps in Crescent a City (Photo Credit: J. Renzullo, California Lost Fishing Gear Recovery Project, UC Davis) The Regents of UC Davis, Humboldt Fishermen’s Marketing Association and the NOAA Marine Debris Program teamed up to establish a fishermen-led commercial fishing gear recovery and recycling effort in California.
Debris collects behind large trash booms that prevent it from reaching the ocean. (Photo Credit: Sand Diego Surfrider) The Tijuana River NERR worked to remove debris and prevent further debris from washing down the Tijuana River Watershed from Mexico.


HWF volunteers removing debris from Kamilo.

Hawai‘i Wildlife Fund volunteers patroled the Ka‘ū coast on the Big Island of Hawai‘i for marine debris.

KIRC volunteers cleaning the beach. KIRC removed marine debris accumulations on Kaho'olawe Island in Hawai'i.
Volunteers remove debris from Long Beach's salt marsh in NY.

Hofstra University removed marine debris from one of New York's last natural salt marshes.

Volunteers re-purposing crab pots.

North Carolina Coastal Federation removed derelict crab pots and re-purposing them into oyster reefs.

Volunteers at Florida cleanup

NOAA supported the Coastal Cleanup Corporation in its effort to remove marine debris from sea turtle nesting habitat.

Identified Derelict Vessel in Marsh.

NOAA supported Dauphin Island Sea Lab's efforts to remove abandoned and derelict vessels in Dog River, Alabama.

An old building sits on Tuluwat, an ancient Wiyot village.

NOAA supported the indigenous Wiyot Tribe in its effort to remove marine debris from an ancient cultural site.

Students gather around several bags of trash.

NOAA supported the Sitka Sound Science Center in efforts to remove tsunami debris from Southeast Alaska and educate Sitka's youth about the impact of marine debris.

A pile of nets. The Sitka Sound Science Center worked to remove approximately 106 tons of marine debris from important areas around local communities across the Bering Sea.
A worker on a boat removing a derelict net from the Puget Sound. The Northwest Straits Foundation combated derelict fishing gear in the Puget Sound by removing derelict nets and conducting outreach with local tribes and fishermen about the impacts of derelict gear.


A large pile of debris and a woman transporting debris on an ATV. Island Trails Network in Alaska worked to remove marine debris from Tugidak Island, a critical habitat area in the Kodiak Archipelago.
A man surveys large debris items with a crane in the background.

This debris removal project focused on an area around Detroit's Belle Isle that was filled with old building material from the city.


A diver holds a slab of metal removed.

Surfrider Foundation’s Rincón chapter worked to protect Puerto Rico's coral reefs by removing heavy marine debris.

Derelict vessel in waterway being removed by heavy equipment. In 2011, the NOAA Marine Debris Program supported a project to remove derelict and abandoned vessels and degrading construction debris from Fordson Island, a heavily urbanized and once under-appreciated area in the Rouge River.


A crane pulls a vessel from the Bay. NOAA supported San Diego Unified Port District in efforts to remove marine debris from San Diego Bay.


Fishermen hauling in a net with fish in it. The Northwest Straits Initiative has worked in partnership with the NOAA Marine Debris Program to eliminate harmful derelict fishing gear in Puget Sound.

For citation purposes, unless otherwise noted, this article was authored by the NOAA Marine Debris Program.

Last updated