Workshop participants at a table pouring containers of water through a filter that traps debris in the water.

The Play's the Thing: Using Drama to Prevent Marine Debris

Wisconsin Sea Grant is using the power of storytelling and performance to engage, educate, and inspire performing artists, students, and community members to be committed stewards of Lake Michigan.

Type of Project: NOAA Sea Grant-Marine Debris Program Partnership

Region: Great Lakes

Project Dates: July 2021 - June 2023

Who is involved?
In partnership with NOAA Sea Grant and the NOAA Marine Debris Program, Wisconsin Sea Grant is using marine debris prevention workshops and existing marine debris prevention curricular resources to develop and pilot a play about marine debris with the American Players Theatre in order to educate and motivate change in two Lake Michigan communities.

What is the project and why is it important?
Throughout the Great Lakes region, scientists have begun to understand the amount and types of marine debris in the Great Lakes watershed and to create solutions that will address this continuous impact to the environment. However, education and public outreach about marine debris are essential for meaningful, long-term change. 

The Play’s the Thing project will use the power of storytelling and performance to engage, educate, and inspire performing artists, students, and community members to be committed stewards of their Great Lakes watershed. The project includes theatrical performances about marine debris science, outreach and education activities with a fine arts school, on-site cleanup events, and marine debris prevention stewardship activities related to prevention of land-based marine debris and prevention of microplastics in wastewater.

For citation purposes, unless otherwise noted, this article was authored by the NOAA Marine Debris Program.

Last updated