Language Arts

Curricula in the Subject category with Language Arts Relevance
78 results

We make a recommendation, or feasibility study, on how our school can reduce the amount of lunchroom trash. We present this to our class, community partner, and to school decision makers.

Marine Debris Topics:  
How to Help  
Grade 3-5  
Grade 6-8  
Grade 9-12  
Special Categories:  
NOAA Regions: Great Lakes

We share our ideas with each other and our community partner about how to reduce the amount of trash produced in our school lunchrooms. We talk about the results of our lunchroom audit. We decide which ideas, for reducing our lunchroom trash, we want to research.

Marine Debris Topics:  
How to Help  
Grade 3-5  
Grade 6-8  
Grade 9-12  
Special Categories:  
NOAA Regions: Great Lakes

We investigate where the trash is produced in our school and compare it to the trash produced at home. We investigate how our school manages trash. We audit what type and how much trash is produced in our school lunchrooms.

Marine Debris Topics:  
How to Help  
Grade 3-5  
Grade 6-8  
Grade 9-12  
Special Categories:  
NOAA Regions: Great Lakes